C-version of SwiSpot



Compiled version of ViennaRNA library must be linked at compile time. Tested with ViennaRNA 2.1.9 [It should work with newer versions]. Library path must be linked in CMakeLists.txt under the # Library Path section. ViennaRNA library header path must be given under the include_directory( ... )in CMakeLists.txt. ViennaRNA can be installed from Vienna TBI.

tar -zxvf ViennaRNA-2.1.9.tar.gz
cd ViennaRNA-2.1.9


sudo make install

Mac OS X user can install ViennaRNA using homebrew:

brew install ViennaRNA


Unpack cmdline-SwiSpot-x.y.z.tar.gz

tar -zxvf cmdline-SwiSpot-x.y.z.tar.gz

Enter directory

cd cmdline-SwiSpot-x.y.z
mkdir build
cd build


cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../
make install

Installation notes

If you have any problem compiling ViennaRNA please refer to Vienna TBI. Moreover you could try linking against a never version of ViennaRNA.


Usage: SwiSpot -s sequence [-t temperature] [-o output] [-n number of structure ] [-pvlh] SwiSpot is a command line utility for predicting riboswitch alternative configurations. It is based upon the prediction of the so-called switching sequence, to subsequently constrain the folding of the two functional structures. While theoretically able to find any kind of switching behavior, uponnder the assumption of sufficient representation in the ensemble of structures, currently SwiSpot is able to classify only riboswitches that rely on transcription termination via terminator hairpins, or translation inhibition via SD sequestering/releasing. OPTIONS: -s --sequence Sequence to be analyzed. Mandatory argument. -h --help Print help and exit -t --temperature Rescale energy parameters to a temperature of temp C. Default is 37C. -n --numstruct Number of structure used in the sampling procedure. -p --probability Use probability matrix instead of sampled ensemble. -o --output Write output to file. -c --confpath Configuration file path. -l --logging Turn verbosity on. -v --version Print version and exit.